Get Outside Of Your Head
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Legacy Bike Park- Trail specific apparel design-40
Legacy Bike Park- Trail specific apparel design-Bluetiful
Legacy Bike Park- Trail specific apparel design- Sparkle
Shitbox Banked Slalom Event Poster 2024- limes and peppers shredding a banked slalom course made of hot sauce while dancing tortilla chips cheer them on from afar.
Beehive Banked Slalom 2024 Event Poster and T-shirt Graphic- Banked Slalom course down the back of a bee
The Dirt Concern Sticker Design- A gnome with trail working tools pops a wheelie while pulling a trailer of tools behind him. Flowers in the foreground and a mountain in the background. Turn your concern into cheer… volunteer!
It’s all gravy baby- green snowboarder shreds a river of gravy with mountains, trees, mushrooms and clouds in the background.
Curious Creatures T-shirt Design- Stay Radish- Two radishes biking with happy flowers, mushrooms, a cheery sun and smiling forest creatures.
She Shreds Event Logo- Butterfly, flowers, bikers, and a jump.
She Shreds- Event Apparel Design
This Isn’t Where I Parked My Spaceship- Purple Alien Melts in Flames
Jambo Design Logo Design
Shitbox Banked Slalom Event Poster 2023- Crazy, bearded, green man shreds the banked Slalom course on a toilet while snowboarders fall from an alien spaceship onto the course.
Empathy Sticker Design- Perhaps I could borrow your brain for a moment?
A Burrito A Day Is The Way- Sticker design
Sure Is Heatin’ Up- Sticker Design
Satanically Smooth Sticker Design- Satan enjoys a spoonful of drippy JIF
Karmically Crunchy Sticker Design- Buddha embraces a jar of Crunchy Adam’s peanut butter.
Moose T-Shirt Design- Blue skull, purple antlers, drippy lichen
Mister Cactus Sticker Design- Potted cactus sports a hat
Plastic Casket Sticker Design- skeleton legs in flaming ski boots
Jazz Cabbage Gig Poster- happy vegetables dance and vibe around a boiling pot.